Thursday, May 26, 2011

simple sewing project ~ sweet baby bibs

I have mentioned this before...I'm a pretty new seamstress.  I can do straight lines, and I have finally taught myself how to thread the machine and change the bobbin.  I could probably become more accomplished at sewing if I put my mind to it, but for now, straight lines are my life.  Well, maybe straight lines with a few curves.  But I learned how to do a few new tricks with my most recent project:  baby bibs! 
I found the pattern in my new favorite sewing book, Bend the Rules Sewing by Amy Karol, from the angry chicken blog.  The book is just marvelous, and it's perfect for a newbie like me.  It has so many easy to learn, and easy to read patterns in it.  I have several more that I am dying to try.  She has so many cool projects in this book..pillows, purses, aprons, blankets and much much more.  It's a great introductory book for someone who is new to sewing.  She gives alot of great advice and instruction.
I made the bibs in neutral colors, so they would make perfect baby gifts for boys or for girls.  I love the banana bib, Ella has a skirt with the same fabric.  I can't remember the exact shop, but I found the banana fabric on

Henry loves the banana bib (and zucchini bread)!  If you are looking for a sweet, thrifty, meaningful, useful gift to give a new baby, consider making a few of these!  Or if you are looking for a perfect gift for the rookie sewer in your life, consider Amy Karol's book.  You can't go wrong with either one.

1 comment:

  1. I would have never guessed you were a rookie seamstress looking at the bibs you gave to me! They look absolutely perfect Katie! I wasn't 100% sure if you had made them or bought them b/c they looked so perfect!! :) I love the fabrics too!! Cute pic of Henry!! :)
