Thursday, June 9, 2011

Dance Baby Dance

I have been planning this post for quite a while, deciding on my favorite dance videos in our home movie collection.  But I saved it for a time when I needed a smile.  This week I need a smile, and so I present you with our favorite music videos.  It's no MTV...I think it's better.  Hope they make you smile too!
Max at the Roller Derby

Henry's dancing is a tad more scandalous!

The Banana cheer always makes me giggle!

And because sweet Ella bean is so quiet & reserved most of the time, I can't find a dance video right now, so here she is whistling as a toddler.


  1. The Banana Cheer video is still my favorite. But these are all adorable! I've said it before and I'll say it again-- you have VERY cute kiddos!

  2. Love these! Prince H with the hard hat is pretty great!
