Thursday, June 30, 2011

Four Kids & a Looooong Car Ride

I'm getting ready for a long car ride with four young children.  And even though my kids are great travelling kids, I always get a bit anxious at the prospect of six of us in the car for so long.  I've been working this week on putting together a bag of fun things for each child, and I think that they are really going to help keep them occupied for several hours.  And if all else fails, I've borrowed a double dvd player from family for the trip. 
I'm actually looking forward to the long drive, as a time to do some reading, crocheting and chatting with my husband.  He's been working long hours lately, so time for conversations has been more limited.
Here's a list of some of the things I put together in the kids travelling bags to keep them occupied:
~ Travel Bingo
~ Printable games the kids can play with each other in the car
~ A new magazine for each child (a special treat!)
~ a few small toys
~ snacks (I made trail mix, one of their favorites)
~ water bottles
~ summer journals for documenting the trip
~ magnet board sets
~ a Melissa & Doug Memory Game that my parents gave Ella
~ colored pencils and paper
~ sometimes for really long trips I might buy each child a small new toy or book to open up while we are on the drive.  It's amazing how entertaining a new item can be. 

Once you get to your destination these items can be a great distraction on a rainy day.  And when we get home, I keep many of the items on this list in a special box, and only take them out for travelling, so the kids don't get to see them very often...which makes them seem like something new!

What are your tips for keeping kids occupied for a long drive?

and ps...I do not travel with my children sitting on top of pillows and blankets while we drive.  the above picture was taken on "pack-up" day after camping all weekend.  max had no interest in packing up.


  1. Coupons for different things. If they have been good give them a coupon for stuff like a candy bar next time we stop to get gas, let them pick where everybody sits, choose a movie to watch, stuff like that

  2. I love the travel journal idea! I'll have to use that one next time.

  3. Love this post! I've put a few of their favorite toys up so when i bring them out during the trip they will get excited. I've also packed books on cd and a bucket of books! I also got the color wonder markers and drawing paper... this will be Livs version of the journal!!

  4. Oh yes! It does feel like a lot longer than usual when there are a lot of kids inside a car. Thankfully, you can do a lot of things to keep the children from getting bored and distracting you while you are driving. It can be pretty fun, having company like that!
