Sunday, August 21, 2011

Coca Cola Lends a Hand in our Community

On Friday the boys and I were invited to a special event at the International Friendship Park in Cincinnati.  We were lucky enough to be on hand when Coca Cola presented Cincinnati Parks with a check for $10,000 to help build a new Bike & Mobility Center.  The Bike & Mobility Center will be located at a fabulous new park on the shores of the Ohio River, the Smale Riverfront Park.  Construction is underway on Smale Riverfront Park and it is set to open in Spring of 2012 and will link to the existing parks on the banks of the Ohio.  If you read Family Friendly Cincinnati, you know that I love to explore all of our area parks with my children.  I'm giddy about this new park, I can't wait to check it out next year with the munchkins!  And we can take a bike ride all along the Ohio River, stopping to play at the various parks. 
Friday's event was more than just a big check being handed over.  There were state & local dignitaries, spokespersons from Coca Cola and Cincinnati Parks, and even a professional BMX rider.  They all spoke of the importance of parks, the need for more people to get outside & live healthy lives, and the impact the park could have on our local economy if it brings more people downtown.  The speeches were heartfelt & everyone seems really excited about the new park & bike center.  After the speeches there was an bike ride through the park, which Sam loved (even though he trailed behind everyone else).  And Coca Cola bought bikes just for this event, and after the event they donated the bikes to our local Boys & Girls Club.  How cool is that?!  After the bike ride was my favorite part - free lunch, and Sam's favorite part - a BMX demonstration.

When we left he said he couldn't wait to get home and try some tricks on his bike.  I'm a little nervous about this.  Thanks to Coca Cola for helping our community!  And I'm so anxious to see this new park after being at this event.  If you are interested in helping other communities receive money from Coca Cola for their parks, I encourage you to go to to help your favorite park win money for being "America's Favorite Park".  The city of Cincinnati has decided to help another community in desperate need of parks.  Cincy is encouraging folks to vote for Minot, North Dakota’s Oak Park. "Severe flooding in Minot devastated Minot’s beloved Oak Park this past June and the Cincinnati Park Board has emphasized what a significant impact the $100,000 grand prize would have for Oak Park and the residents of Minot.".  Our city was lucky enough to receive a grant, now we can help another city build their parks as well! 


  1. Wish we could have been there. Glad you got to go - great post Katie. Thanks for sharing. :)

  2. This sounds like so much fun!! And it's great to hear that Cinci is trying to help out another park in need.

  3. Thank you so much for your support of Minot's Oak Park. I am from Minot and cannot express how much the support of the Cincinnati Park Board means to our community. You have truly shown what a classy city Cincinnati is.
