Saturday, March 16, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Fun....

I wanted to share some fun St. Patrick's day links with you to help you get in the mood for celebrating this weekend!  And then I have some links for recipes that aren't necessarily St. Patrick's day related, but they have a bit of green or mint involved.

A wee bit of St. Patrick's Day fun for everyone ::

Pictures of my kids on Saint Patrick's Day (This one made me want to cry)
How to make your own Thin Mint Cookies

GREEN Mac n Cheese...what?!?!  It's healthy..check it out ;)
Mint Chocolate Chip Pancakes (I say "ewwww" but I'm sure the kids will love them!) 
Researching your Irish Heritage at the Kenton County Public Library
A Leprechaun Gift (easy to make - for soda pop bottles - too cute!!) 
Pictures from my trip to Ireland in 2006 with my mama, my sister and my baby girl
Making your family a St. Patrick's Day Green Dinner (cute and tasty!) 
The Crafty Crow has a great roundup of St. Patrick's Day Crafts
Rainbow Fruit Pizza...yummy AND healthy! 

And if you live in the NKY or Cincy area, here's a list of fun events for the whole family on Family Friendly Cincinnati.  And here's another list of beer-drinking type parties around town from Hoperatives.

What kind of trouble fun are you getting into this St. Patrick's day? 

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