Saturday, May 4, 2013

Yesterday was my birthday...

Yesterday I turned 36 years old.  The day was sort of crummy...for no major reason...just a blah sort of cleaning, sick baby, burnt pancakes, sweet  & sour sauce spilled all over the kitchen floor...those sorts of annoyances.  I was determined to turn my birthday around though.  My inlaws took the older kids out for the evening and Michael and I had a date night with Henry in tow.  We had a grand evening in the Main Strasse Village!

First we had a delectable dinner at Otto's

Then was my "surprise party" as I called it...but it was actually we just happened to run into my parents, aunts, uncle & cousin having dinner by the Goose Girl Fountain...

 This is my Uncle Tom & my cousin Taylor...they are hilarious together...

Next stop, the Old Kentucky Bourbon Bar for a cocktail...

And some quiet time...Henry loved hanging out on this stoop watching all the action...

Then we had Heath Bar Cheesecake at Chez Nora (made by the amazing Micaela)...

Our last stop was the Up Over, to visit my brother...

It really was nice to just have Henry for the evening...he's a completely different little being when he's on his own...

 We had so much fun in the Main Strasse Village on Friday night that we went back again on Saturday for dinner at Cock & Bull, it was a perfect night to sit outside and eat dinner...

But the best part of my birthday was this....

1 comment:

  1. I can't remember if I said anything on Facebook (I think I did!), but Happy (belated) Birthday!! That video of your little prince is too cute. He is such a doll.

    I hope the year ahead is a great one for you! Love you!
