Thursday, June 6, 2013

Strawberry Madness

This week we took a road trip to Clarksville, Ohio (about 45 minutes from our home in Northern Kentucky) to pick strawberries at the Branstrator Farm.  There are just a few weeks left in strawberry pickin' season, and we were able to pick oodles of fresh strawberries.  We took my Grandma with us, since she had mentioned wanting fresh berries for preserves when I saw her last week.  Between the two of us we came home with 23 pounds of strawberries and 3 bunches of the most beautiful & delicious asparagus I've ever bought.  It was a wonderful experience for all of us.  Even Sam, who HATES strawberries loved picking them!  You can pick your own strawberries at Branstrator Farm for only $2 per pound, and the asparagus that they have picked was $3 per bunch.  You can find Branstrator Farm on ahead to make sure they are open for picking!

When we got home I made so many tasty things with our strawberries....
I have three jars of Strawberry Infused Vodka soaking in my pie safe...I cannot wait to taste it!!  The recipe came from Shutterbean.

We also made strawberry shortcake, YUM!  We mashed up a bowl full of strawberries, threw in some chunks of strawberry, stirred in some sugar and let it sit for a couple hours.  Then we topped a slice of angel food cake with the strawberries and whipped cream.  It was very tasty!

And I made these HEALTHY STRAWBERRY MUFFINS.  They are were very good!  And healthy too, only 100 calories per muffin.

And my Grandmother made me fresh homemade biscuits and strawberry preserves, the best strawberry treat of all!

My strawberry helper:

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