Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Children's Department

I love my library.  Love love love my library.  If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram then you already know that my family spends large amounts of time at this library.   
My history with the Covington branch of the Kenton County PublicLibrary began decades ago…when I was a little girl I spent every single Saturday with my grandfather.  He took me to fancy restaurants, taught me how to drive in the fields at our family farm, and we spent many an afternoon at the Covington Library.    
He would hole up in the geneology department going through miles and miles of microfilm, looking for clues to our family’s past.  I should say, all that work paid off when he and my grandmother found her relatives in Ireland.  I snapped this picture (to the right) of the microfilm machines shortly before this section of the library was slated for remodeling.  I wanted to remember that little section forever.  I can almost see him sitting there. 

While he worked on the microfilm machines (surely there’s a more technical name for these!) I would scamper upstairs to hang out in the Children’s Department (just like Ella is scampering up that wonderful old staircase to the left).  I spent so many happy hours in that library…looking for the perfect books, and going to storytime. As much fun as I had though, I don’t remember the Children’s Department being as rocking cool as it is today.  In fact, I remember being downright afraid of one of the librarians back in the day.  That's not the case anymore...everyone is kid-friendly at the Covington Library's Children's Department these days.     

Here are some things that make the Children’s Department of the Covington Library Extraordinary:
  • They quite obviously hand-pick the most patient, kind, knowledgeable and creative staff that they can find to run this department.  As evidenced by so many things, but most recently when I was walking around looking for books for the kids and a librarian overheard me mention that Sam liked otters and she jumped right up and started looking for books for him.  I didn’t ask her to…she was just that helpful.
  • They have the COOLEST programming…and not just storytimes, they do crafts, cooking programs, and the coolest of all in my kids’ opinion, the World Explorers program.  Ms. Liz teaches the kids about artwork from another country while they replicate that art.  The first week they went they made canopic jars, which led to a discussion about Egyptian burial practices, and how they pulled the brains from the bodies.  Ewwww…gross!  My boys loved that.  And before you think that storytimes are for little kids, think again…the library has programs for all ages!  Henry is too young for World Explorers, so he loves going to Preschool Storytime.  Ms. Amy always has something fun up her sleeve...not just books to read, but engaging activities to go along with the week's theme, the best theme of the summer being "Ice Cream" of course!
  •   When my daughter went to pick out her birthday treat at the library the three ladies on duty that night sang happy birthday to her, which I know she loved (that’s right, they send you a birthday card which you can bring in and exchange for a small treat).
  • Have I mentioned patience?  I mean come on, my four kids hang out there on a regular basis and everyone who works there is so patient, even when Henry breaks the “walking feet” rule.
  •  They not only have great programs for the kids, but it’s just a great place for kids to
    hang out in general (with parental supervision of course).  This summer I’ve taken to hanging out at the library to get my blogging work done, and the kids entertain themselves.  There are books to read (of course!), games to play, computers to use, crayons and paper, toys and more.  While I’ve been sitting here  typing this the older three kids are in an Art Program and Henry has entertained himself with toy trucks and comic books.  It’s a win-win for everyone!
  • And I should say, it's not just the Children's Library that's awesome...Kenton County Public Library is a great organization all around...full of awesome people who love to chat about books, find the perfect book for you when you aren't sure what to read next, or hunt until they find that obscure book that you just have to have. 
 Here are some more pictures from our visits to the library…

Do you love your local library?  Why?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for doing a piece on one of my favorite places!!! And my favorite people. The Covington branch of the Kenton County Library ROCKS!
