Saturday, October 16, 2010

our own chihuly sculpture

a few months back i read about a very cool art project for kids on the blog mary making and it inspired me to do the same project with my children.  i think that the idea of exposing children to famous works of art in order to inspire creativity within them is a brilliant idea.  and we are lucky to have some fabulous museums in our area, so i decided to take advantage of our local art museum and do our own family dale chihuly-inspired sculpture.

first we went to the cincinnati art museum to visit the dale chihuly sculpture that hangs in the front lobby of the museum.  it is a gorgeous blue glass sculpture called  Rio Delle Torreselle Chandelier.  the kids and i spent quite a while underneath this sculpture talking about how it was made, and what it looked like to them (the answers included fish, snakes, blue grass, flowers, and more).    have i mentioned how beautiful it is? 

also over the summer we visited the children's museum of indianapolis (amazing place to take the kids!) where there is another dale chihuly sculpture: Fireworks of Glass.  and that's exactly what it looks like, fireworks.  this sculpture was awesome because there was an exhibit at the museum oriented around (or shall i say "under") the sculpture.  you could lay back on a rotating couch and look up at the sculpture.  it was as if you were inside of a kaleidoscope.  there were also hands on activities for the kids, like using plastic pieces replicating the glass pieces to make their own sculptures.  very very cool stuff.  this piece is chihuly's largest permanent installment, and is made up of over 3,000 pieces of glass and weighs 18,000 pounds. 

the kids were fascinated by these sculptures.  they have always loved exploring museums of all sorts, but this focus on chihuly's glass sculptures had intrigued them, and it was a great conversation starter for them.  i loved hearing their  imaginative and unique perspectives on the sculptures.  it was fun for me to watch their young minds at work on this project.  dale chihuly has installations all over the world, and i highly recommend you find one near you to check out.  and then, if you'd like you could do this art project.  because it is so much fun!

here's how to make your own chihuly-like sculpture.  first you gather your materials:  shrinky dink paper (i found 8x11 sheets on etsy - aka Polyshrink), sharpie markers (the more colors the better), an oven, and a hot glue gun. 

i cut the large pieces of polyshrink into smaller squares, circles, hearts, and other shapes.  then i let the kids loose with the permanent markers (an old plastic tablecloth is a must for this project).  i worked right alongside of them, coloring my own pieces of plastic.  we worked on these pieces over a period of several days, because it was alot of coloring!

after you color each piece you heat them in the oven according to the directions on the package.  keep a close eye on them, it doesn't take long at all...when they start curling and shrinking yank them out of the oven.  while they are still warm you can manipulate the plastic a bit into designs.

once all of the pieces are "cooked" and contorted into their funky shapes you can use the hot glue gun to mesh it all together into one big sculpture.  we hung ours from the dining room chandelier.  the kids were so proud of their work, and very excited about this project.  and i was excited that they were interested in learning about artists and enjoyed our visit to the art museum.  i am looking forward to doing a few more artist inspired projects in the future! 

and thank you again to mary making for the great idea!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great craft project. It would be fun to do holiday themes too. Thanks for the idea!