Sunday, July 17, 2011

Getting Organized :: CleanMama Printables

This summer I am doing my best to take steps to get more every area of our lives. Except cleaning. Still waiting on a house elf for that one. Some of the changes I'm making are huge, some are tiny, but in the end, they are all helping to make our lives feel a little less chaotic. I want to share my ideas with you over the summer, in the hopes that you will find inspiration for organizing, or perhaps share some organizing ideas with me in the comments section!

This week I want to highlight an etsy shop that can help you get organized in so many areas of your life.  I have already posted about my Household Organization Binder.  This binder has been a lifesaver for me!  I've since added to it, with pages from another seller on etsy, CleanMamaPrintables.  I stumbled upon this very helpful etsy shop while looking for a way to organize my blog.  She has a HUGE variety of organizational forms you can purchase in PDF format.  I bought the Blogging Kit to help me organize my thoughts for the blog.  I need handwritten lists for everything, even blogging.  It's been great, I've been able to jot down every blog idea I have, so no more forgetting what I wanted to post about.   
If you are a blogger who feels a bit scattered like myself,  you should consider using these forms to get your act together.   There are kits for cleaning, bill-paying, grocery shopping, fitness & weight loss, organizing for the holidays/special occasions, putting together all of your family's information, vacation planning, and much more!  Just typing this makes me want to go put a few in my cart.  And if you are just starting out in getting organized, or you want a fresh start in how you stay organized, she has a Starter Kit which consists of 39 documents, or you can purchase several sets together to get a lower rate. 

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