I am participating in Menu Planning Monday at orgjunkie.com, but unlike most of the other participants who plan their menus and post them that week, I'm always a bit behind, and I post my menus a week later. I do this so that I can let you know if I try a new recipe and it's not that great. I don't want to blog about a recipe if it's no good. Participating in MPM has inspired me to find new recipes for my family, and I hope that when you read this post you can find new recipes for your family!
Here's what was cooking last week at our house:
Monday ~ Mama escaped the house for Thai food with Amy Q., so the kids had pizza & cucumbers and the husband had whatever he could scrounge up.
Tuesday ~ Mario Lopez's Chicken & Rice Paella (I tore this recipe out of People magazine because the picture made me drool. It was so yummy!)
Wednesday ~ Skillet Lasagna - I messed up and bought ground chicken instead of turkey, but it worked!
Thursday ~ Skillet Red Beans and Rice
Friday ~ Leftovers
Saturday ~ Birthday Party, with great appetizers like French Onion Dip, Bruschetta & Hummus
Sunday ~ Dinner at my parents, I made Caprese Pasta Salad - a lovely twist on traditional pasta salad, simple & tasty.
What's cooking at your house this week?
Yummmm... paella, rice&beans, caprese, bruschetta... All favorites in my house! I think we'll be visiting you soon!!! :)
My (Newly)Wed Life