First, a few comments about the way I pack lunches. My kids tend to eat more of their lunch when I present it as finger foods. I like to spruce up their lunches just a bit with cupcake toppers, food picks, cloth napkins, plastic cupcake liners, and the like. I don't go all out for their lunches (ahem, I'm packing four lunches at a time!), but I do like to try to make them fun & cute. The kids really get excited about that, and I hope that when they are excited about it that they are more apt to eat a good lunch! I should also point out that my kids are picky. I work around it and do my best to get them to try new foods, but the fact of the matter is they are PICKY! Also, as you'll notice in these pictures, I tend to use the same fruits and veggies several days in a row to make sure we use them all up before they go bad. A bag of carrots or a box of strawberries can go a long way when chopped up for little fingers and added to a school lunch! I focused this post on school lunches, since school starts next week...but I'd like to point out that packing lunch isn't just for kids! My husband often takes a packed lunch to work, and when I was working I loved to pack as well, so even though I designed these lunches for my picky little ones, you might like what you see and want to pack yourself a snacky sort of lunch!
Here's what I purchased at Kroger for the Back to School Lunch Campaign post:
Crackers $1.39 ~ Peanut Butter $2.79 ~ Sliced Cheese $1.88 ~
Cream Cheese $2.39 ~ Garbanzo Beans (for Hummus) $1.00 ~ String Cheese $4.69 ~
Salami $2.99 ~ Simple Truth Sweet & Salty Mix $3.99 ~ Blueberries $1.67 ~
Strawberries $2.99 ~ Grapes $3.31 ~ Basil $1.99 ~ Carrots $.69 ~ Pita $.99 ~
Wheat Bread $2.99 ~ Pretzels $1.64 ~ Go Go Squeez $2.49
GRAND TOTAL :: $39.88
$40 might seem like a lot for lunches for three days, but keep in mind, the Back to School Lunch Campaign entails me coming up with three lunches to share with you guys, but as you know, I'm packing for four kids. I'd also like to point out that I had plenty of leftovers from these groceries to add to a few more days of lunches! There was plenty of string cheese, berries, grapes, carrots, hummus & pita, peanut butter and crackers to go into other lunches, so I feel like this was a great deal! And had I been a better coupon clipper, and bought a few more Kroger brand items I would have saved even more! I am better at concentrating on finding deals when I'm not shopping with four kids, so hopefully once school starts I'll be better at hunting down the deals! Thankfully they have all of their coupons online at this site, so that's helpful! I get so much bang for my buck at Kroger!
Here are my lunches:
Hummus with Pretzels, Carrots & Pita for dipping, mini Fruit Kabobs, Sweet & Salty Trail Mix, Cheese Stick and water to drink. Peanut Butter "Star" Sandwich, Pretzel Twists (Sam LOVES the Kroger Honey Pretzel Twists!), Trail Mix, Carrot Sticks, Cheese Stick and Berry/Grape Mix with water to drink (always water).
Salami Rolls with Cream Cheese, Colby Cheese stars, Crackers, GoGo Squeez, Fruit Medley and Carrot Sticks with water to drink.

*** GIVEAWAY ***
This giveaway is now CLOSED :: Congrats to
Veronica Cain, who said...
- I am the lunch packer in our house. The little one doesn't do lunches yet but Brendan and I do! I love using the divided easy lunchboxes! They are awesome. I am not very creative with packing lunches but I really like the idea of the cupcake liners for little snacks! I also love hummus on our sandwiches in place of other unhealthy condiments.
To get you
even more excited about shopping at Kroger for all of your lunch-packing needs, they
are giving a $25 Kroger Gift Card to one lucky reader!
1. Leave a comment below telling me about lunch-packing at your house...share a recipe, tell me who packs in your family,
2. RE-PIN this post, using this link to the Trade-Worthy Lunch Board on Pinterest. Look for the Little Things!
3. Share this contest and then leave a comment telling me how you
spread the word. If you share via Twitter, please be sure to use @LittleThingsMom. And if you share via Facebook please tag the little things blog.
4. Check out "the little things blog" on Facebook, and if you are already a fan of that page, check out my other page to support my arts...the Cards by Katie
facebook page. If you like what you see on these pages feel free to spread
the word about them by sharing with your friends. Leave a
comment below telling me you did so.
5. Follow me on Pinterest and leave a comment below telling me you did so.
:: In exchange for
hosting this giveaway I was given a $100 gift card to Kroger, which I
can't wait to use to stock up for school lunches!
All opinions above are my own.
Lunches are a bit difficult around here. Lunch meat is a big no go. His favorite though is peanut butter and honey sandwiches. I'm the lunch packer in our family
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the kids are starting to pack their lunches at my house and it is a great help
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Lunches are a must at our house to pack this year. I have two kids in school and one is Diabetic so I need healthy filling lunches so these ideas are great. Their favorite item is the yogurt sticks frozen in the morning (They keep things cold in the bag) I am the lunch packer here.
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I'm the lunch packer in my house. I use divided ziploc containers and mine look pretty similar to yours. My favorite lunch packing strategy is to also make a little extra pizza on pizza night. My kiddos adore cold pizza in the lunch the next day.
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My boys are grown, but I love the ideas for my grandchildren. They like finger foods too.
Jill Mays
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Jill Mays
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Jill Mays
I am the lunch packer in our house. The little one doesn't do lunches yet but Brendan and I do! I love using the divided easy lunchboxes! They are awesome. I am not very creative with packing lunches but I really like the idea of the cupcake liners for little snacks! I also love hummus on our sandwiches in place of other unhealthy condiments.
i am a fan of both your pages on facebook!
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I pack lunches for my son. I always add fresh fruits and veggies to his lunch
I pack lunches for kids, usually tuna sandwich, fresh fruit salad and Greek yogurt.
Fan of The little things blog and shared cards by Katie on FB. https://www.facebook.com/tcarolinep/posts/10200536725716765
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Thank you for the wonderful shout out for my ELBs Katie!!!
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Maureen Gregory
I always do the lunch packing, sometimes I do lnchables and sometimes I make it myself
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Both of my kids pack lunch each day. My daughter loves to have soup or Spaghetti's or really any kind of warm leftover. My son, the picky one, is more into cheese sandwiches. They both get a vegetable and fruit each day too. Thermos work great keeping milk cold.
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We don't do school lunch packing yet. But when we go to the park or zoo we pack our lunches and I love to try to make it fun! Chips, sandwich, snack and a drink!
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I used to be really great at creative lunches...in preschool. Now I have a fourth grader who is too cool for cute things and says he only has time to eat two things. SO, I pack a pb sandwich and two sides...a fruit and pretzels. This year he also wants a drink so he doesn't have to wait in line. I LOVE your lunches. I'm going to try harder with the younger two this year and maybe convert the fourth grader ;)
Just tweeted @juliepile
My husband packs the kids' lunches, which are typically sandwiches and fruit. We could definitely use variety though.
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I follow "The Little Things" and "Cards by Katie."
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We very often use leftovers to make lunches ... but too often I find myself scrambling in the morning, having forgotten to do it the night before. :(
I make lunch for my preschooler. He's a big eater, but kind of picky at times. I usually stick with a sandwich of some sort and then vary the sides from day to day.
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Thank you for the ideas, kindergarten will be starting in less than 2 weeks so I'm frantically searching for lunch ideas!
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I am the lunch packer at our house. I always make "cute" lunches. I cut out the sandwiches and fruit with cookie cutters. My kids favorite recipe is plain popcorn with butter & cinnamon sugar.
My husband and I sharing the packing duties. We do salami rolls, fresh fruit, and crackers. Leftovers are great, since my sone is in daycare and they can heat them up.
I pack lunches and snack every day for three kids, grades 5 through 1. It is a challenge as the year progress to keep the lunches new and exciting. Leftover grilled or roasted chicken gives us a lot of different options. thanks.
Lunches are just now starting to be packed here with one in Kindergarten and one in preschool. :)
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Already liked both your FB pages! Have gotten some of your beautiful cards before. :)
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THIS. IS. AWESOME! I am so inspired after reading this post. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
shared on FB. Cold lunches are fine, but I prefer cooked meals that can be eaten cold (i.e., potato omelette; chicken croquettes, tuna empanadas, chicken or veggie quesadillas....) He is not a sandwich or finger food child. This means I have to prepare them the day before or use left-over from previous dinner.
No lunch packing at our house, but I loved when I was a kid and my mom packed m a chicken leg instead of a soggy sandwich. And she always put in fresh fruit which I loved.
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make lunches still for my high school boys, so cute won't fly but seeing other non sandwich ideas is awesome!
I pack my four year old's lunch that gets sent with him the babysitter everyday. He's a picky eater and also loves finger food. He LOVES Lunchables but since we try to eat mostly natural and organic, I make my own version with Hormel no-nitrate lunch meat, organic cheese, and organic wheat crackers. That also allows me to sub out the cookie/candy for fresh fruit!
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we share the packing duties...it goes much faster this way!
kolpin4680 at gmail dot com
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i like both FB pages as daniel budsy
I pack lunch for my kindergartener and snack for my preschooler. I try to make cute sandwiches, fruit, and homemade granola bars. I love the ideas you share!
I pack the lunches and PBJ is a favorite!!
I like the little things blog on FB!
My darling husband packs the kids lunches in the morning. My daughter eats turkey, my son prefers ham sandwiches. We try to include either Babybel cheese or cheese sticks and Sunny D to wash it down!
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I pinned the link to your contest and blog on Pinterest.
We really don't pack lunches I make them eat school lunches for the variety of different foods!!!
My son started packing his lunch this year! I love it! I pack my daughters, and it's usually a sandwich with fruit and veggie.
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