we took the kids to the reds game last night and to max's amazement many of the characters from his all-time favorite movies were in attendance last night! a perfect treat for an almost five year old celebrating his birthday a few days early at the game!

and then, to top it all off...cotton candy on the bus ride home! what more could a boy ask for?
ps...cotton candy is only $1 when bought outside the stadium, after the game...but it does make for hyper children at bed time!
Oh. My. God. Liam and Ewan would have completely DIED! I didn't know this was happening or I would have taken them! It looks like Max was on cloud 9, so glad!!
we didn't know either, until we got there! sam was fascinated too, but too nervous for pictures. they all danced during the game too...on top of the dugout, it was hilarious!
Can you send Qui Gon to my house?
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