Sunday, November 21, 2010

christmas photo follies

if you have spent any amount of time perusing this blog you can probably tell that i am a photo-freak.  i love taking pictures, and do my best to chronicle my children's lives with photographs.  my brother teased me once that i have documented every possible memory for my kids, and it won't be necessary for them to remember anything from their childhood. 

but there comes a time when i want to give up the picture-taking all together.  and this usually happens when all four of them are in one shot and i am trying relentlessly to get a good shot of all of them.  today was one of those days, we barely survived.  i took almost 200 pictures trying to get a good one for our christmas cards.  fun times i tell you.  here's some of my photo follies from the day.

what's wrong with this one?  well, ella is sitting very un-lady-like (at least her dress covered her up), sam looks like someone killed his otter, henry is eating leaves and i really don't even know what max was doing.

what's wrong with this one?  well first let me say that ella looks very sweet and big sisterly.  max was yelling something, sam was attempting to step on max's foot and henry did not like holding hands.

what's wrong with this one?  well, there's the fact that only one of them is looking at me.  then there's henry chewing on stick. 

not to fear though, i got several good shots.  you'll just have to wait to see those until after we've sent out our holiday cards! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't you ever FEED that baby??? ;) hehe They might not be 'card worthy' but they are still cute!