Thursday, January 24, 2013

100 Days of School ~ Sam Style

 Today was Sam's 100th day of school, and each year the Kindergarten classes at our school celebrate and ask the children to do a 100 days project.  They want each child to bring in 100 items of some sort, in any way they'd can be as creative as you'd like.  Sam wanted to do 100 pictures of Sam, but only after I convinced him that I probably didn't have 100 pictures of his Daddy (which is wrong, I probably do, but didn't want to print them all out).  He settled for Sam pictures though, and luckily I had over 100 pictures left from all the times I caved and bought the "big cheap package" at the photography studio. 
He took the pictures and taped them onto 12x12 paper and then I took all ten pages and stapled them together with a cover.  And he finished the project by "reading" the book to his Daddy....and he counted all the way to 100 with just a little bit of help from Dad.

 this was Sam's favorite picture, can you guess why?

 the book cover

1 comment:

Nicole Sheppard said...

Love it!