I told you last month about LEGO® KidsFest coming to town at the end of March. Our family cannot wait for this event! And, if your family is into LEGO bricks, then you don't want to miss this event either. Lucky for you, I have a family four pack of tickets to give away to one lucky reader! See details below, and don't miss out on the other great giveaways going on out there in the blogosphere (links at the bottom of this post). Try your luck on all of the giveaways! Here's a little run-down of the LEGO KidsFest extravaganza...
The LEGO KidsFest is a giant traveling LEGO expo coming to Cincinnati’s Duke Energy Convention Center March 23 - 25, 2012. It is going to be a Lego-Lover's dream come true! There will be THREE ACRES of Lego action going on, including:

• LEGO Model Gallery: 40 life-sized models made entirely from LEGO bricks
• LEGO Master Builders: live demonstrations and activities from the crew who get paid to play
• Creation Nation: build your own creation to add to a custom map of the U.S.
• Race Ramps: build your own custom car, then race it down the ramp against friends and family
• LEGO Games Arena: roll the dice to play LEGO board games
• Construction Zones: creative free build, play and display areas
• LEGO DUPLO®: younger visitors can explore imagination through building
• LEGO Retail and KidsFest Marketplace: purchase LEGO merchandise and official KidsFest tour goods
• Brick Pile: a gigantic pile full of LEGO bricks for creative play and enjoyment
• Monochromatic Builds: bricks of a single color to foster group creativity
• Brickscapes: fantastic displays that combine lots of LEGO and DUPLO sets
• And much more, covering over 150,000 square feet of space
The Giveaway Details:
Must be 18 to enter. Winner will be drawn using random.org at 2 p.m. on March 9 and winners announced in this post and on Facebook. Winner has 24 hours to respond or a new winner will be drawn. Tickets are for the opening night Friday, March 23 session from 4-8:30. You are not required to arrive promptly at 4. Please note, there is one MANDATORY entry and then you can complete the extra entries below ~ so you have up to 5 chances to enter! No more than 5 entries per person.
How to Enter:
1. [MANDATORY ENTRY] ~ Find LEGO KidsFest on Facebook and click "Like" ~ Leave a comment below stating that you did so.
2. Leave a comment telling me why you want to win.
3. "Like" the little things blog on Facebook and/or follow @LittleThingsMom on Twitter ~ Leave a comment below stating that you did so.
4. Spread the word! Tell your friends about this great giveaway, and then leave a comment below telling me how you shouted from the mountaintops. ps...if you share this giveaway on facebook or twitter please be sure to tag us! (the little things blog on facebook OR @LittleThingsMom on twitter)
5. This is an extra special entry ~ take a picture of a LEGO creation your child (or you for that matter) has made and upload the picture to the little things facebook page. BE SURE to come back here and leave a comment telling me you uploaded the picture!
Best of Luck! I hope to see you there!
Try your luck on these blogs as well!
In a Galaxy Far Far Away
I'm Living the Good Life
Little World After All
Mommy Bits
Mommy Confessions
Disclaimer: The folks at LEGO KidsFest have provided me with a set of tickets to give away to my readers and in return I received a set of tickets for my own family to attend the event. Although, I have to say, even if I had not had the honor of promoting this event I think we would have bought tickets to go anyway, because we are LEGO addicts ;)
I liked Lego Kidfest on fb!
My son has had a Lego obession for the past 3 years, but my 5 year old daughter is in love with the new Friends collection! I'd love to take them to the Lego Kidsfest and feed their imagination!
I liked the little things blog on fb!
I 'liked" lego kids fest!
I want to take my kiddos!! We love Legos!!
I alreay "like" you!!
I posted a pic!
I like the kids fest on FB!
I Like YOU on FB!
We want to go to share some time together with some of our favorite toys!
I posted a pic! It's a really cute one!
I liked Lego Kids Fest on facebook
I would love to win these tickets as both my kids think of themselves as Legos biggest fans and would be so excited to go to KidsFest.
I have liked the little things blog on facebook
Like LEGO KidsFest on FB
My kiddos love all things LEGO!!!
Like the little things!!
posted a LEGO photo on The Little Things FB page
shared this giveaway with a friend on FB
1. I already "like" LEGO KidsFest on Facebook
2. I want to win for my autistic son (12) who loves legos since he was 1 years old. legos were his first toys. They are still his favorite toys.
3. I "Like" the little things blog on Facebook
3. I follow @LittleThingsMom on Twitter
4. I Spread the word! I told my friends about this great giveaway by sending e-mail to my homeschooling yahoo groups and lots of individual friends.
5. My son has lego sasuke youtube videos that i send you by facebook.
liked lego kidsfest on fb
my son would love to see all of those legos
like liitle things on fb
shared giveaway thru email
I like Lego Fest on Facebook
I like the little things blog on Facebook
I would love to surprise my husband with tickets to the LEGO fest so he can take our 2 kids with him. My husband is the biggest kid when it comes to LEGOs. We have 3 girls and no boys so this is the one toy that bonds my kids with their daddy. I love to watch them create projects with their LEGOs.
I "liked" Lego Fest on Facebook
I "liked" The Little Things Blog on Facebook
I shared this contest on my facebook page!
Just posted on Legos KidsFest page and linked to your FB page.
I have a 5yr old son who loves the City series and a 7yr old daughter who loves the Friends series. They would have a hay day at this!
Just shared on Facebook.
Just shared on Twitter. @juliepile
Melissa petri
I've liked Lego KF on FB
Melissa Petri
I'd Like to win so I can take my 3 year old Nephew!
melissa petri
I've "Liked" the little things blog on Facebook
I've shared this give away on fb!
melissa petri
I'd love to experience this with my Nephew!
John Gunn
I want to take my grandkids.
Got to take my son. He is obessed with legos! Pick me! Pick me!
I liked LEGO KidsFest FB page
I would love to win to take my kids to something fun in Cincinnati!
I like Lego KidsFest on FB. :)
Our son's birthday is two days before the show, and he is obsessed with Legos. He's even having a Lego-themed birthday party this year! With just one income right now, winning tickets would be so helpful!
I would like to bring my grandaughters. I promise to bring the front page of Sundays paper from many years ago when my kids were playing with legos at one of the first Kids fest
I "like" Lego KidsFest on FB
I would love to take my 8 and 9 year old boys and surprise my 9 year old for his birthday!! This would be an awesome gift!
I "Like" the little things blog on Facebook
I posted a picture!
I liked the Lego Kidsfest on FB.
I like TLT blog on FB, too!
Love lego fest of facebook, like your blog on facebook and would love to win this for my 6 year old son, he got the postcard about this event and is dying to go!! thanks so much fro the opportunity and your family is too cute!!
and shared on facebook!
I like Lego Kidsfest on FB. My youngest two love Legos and create things daily!
I liked Lego fest on FB!
I liked Little Things Blog on FB!
All three of my kiddos love love love legos, and of course mom and dad do as well! We have so many of the different collections - star wars, harry potter, city, prince of persia, alien conquest - etc - but recently we have been trying to collect mixed bricks - they are more creative instead of just building per the directions, this is why they are dying to go to Lego Fest!!!
I "Liked" Lego Kids Fest on FB!
My husband is a big lego fan and has been having a blast with our 7 year old introducing her. And especially with the new girls line she is having some excellent bonding time!
I "liked" the Little things blog on FB
liked Kids Lego Fest FB page
liked The little things FB page
all my kids love legos and we spend unlimited hours playing altogether!
Spread the world! Sent an email to my email friends! Hope anyone of us win the giveaway!!
liked lego kidsfest on fb
shared the giveaway
I would love to win these tickets for my son
I "liked" Lego Kidsfest!
I have two little boys who love legos! Recently my soon to be 5yr old has developed quite the imagination. I would love to be able to take both of them so they could explore, build, and have a great time!
I already "like" the little things blog on fb!
Like you, Like LEGO and follow you on Twitter (from @Jen_Burns). Would love to win for my LEGO-obsessed son! :) Thanks!
oops, one more thing, I tagged a photo of the little things on Facebook of Jack Z with Pikachu!
I liked Lego Kidfest on Facebook.
I already "Like" you on Facebook.
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