Stay tuned, there are more great giveaways coming soon!
It's summer time, and that means many people are heading out of town on vacation. Not us, we had our big vacation on Spring Break, but we are still going through gas quickly on all of our fun adventures this summer. I just bought a new van last week, so I'm feeling the pinch and looking for ways to cut corners. In the first week we owned the Sienna I have already put 500 miles on it! So I was pretty excited when Kroger contacted me to tell me about their "Fueling Your Summer" promotion. They are offering a digital coupon that will double your fuel points this summer, but only if you grocery shop on the weekend, which I know that many of us already do.
Here's all the information you need about the Fueling Your Summer promotion, don't miss out on double fuel points!
Official Fueling Your Summer Information ::
Beginning on May 20, 2013, Kroger shoppers will be able to save up to $1 per
gallon at the pump by redeeming up to 1,000 Fuel Points at any Kroger Fuel
Center, and at participating stations.
Every $1 spent on qualifying
items at Kroger earns you 1 fuel point. To help you fuel your summer Kroger is
offering a digital coupon that will double shoppers fuel points earned when
shopping at Kroger on weekends, meaning every $1 spend on the weekends equals 2
fuel points.
Here is a link with all of the details:: http://bit.ly/16XJg2x
Get your digital coupon now, there's only two weekends left in June!
To get you even more excited about shopping at Kroger and earning fuel points, they are giving a $100 Kroger Gift Card to one lucky reader! If you are heading out of town this summer this gift card will go a long way to helping you pay for gas! This gift card can be used to shop for groceries or fuel at Kroger.
One winner will be drawn on Friday, June 28th at 2pm using Random.org. The winner will be announced here on the blog and on The Little Things facebook page. If you leave an email address I will attempt to contact you. The winner has 24 hours to respond or another name will be drawn. Winner must be at least 18 years of age and live in the United States. Best of luck! You only need to complete the Mandatory Entry to be entered into the contest, but feel free to enter a few more times using the bonus entries. LEAVE A SEPARATE COMMENT FOR EACH ENTRY!
1. Leave a comment below telling me abour any exciting plans you have this summer, and how a Kroger gift card would help make your summer more fun.
2. Share this contest and then leave a comment telling me how you
spread the word. If you share via Twitter, please be sure to use @LittleThingsMom and the hashtag #FuelYourSummer in your tweet. And if you share via Facebook please tag the little things blog.
3. Leave a comment below telling me a way you are cutting corners this summer.
4. Check out "the little things blog" on Facebook, and if you are already a fan of that page, check out my other page to support my arts...the Cards by Katie
facebook page. If you like what you see on these pages feel free to spread
the word about them by sharing with your friends. Leave a
comment below telling me you did so.
5. Follow me on Pinterest and leave a comment below telling me you did so.
Disclaimer :: In exchange for
hosting this giveaway I was given a $100 gift card to Kroger, which I can't wait to use with my double fuel points to gas up for summer fun! All opinions above are my own.
I try to be thrifty by re-using discarded items in a creative way.
Camping, coney island, zoo, and not to forget all the summer gatherings and cookouts that $100 Kroger gift card would make finding something to take a lot easier
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cutting corners by doing DIY ideas of pinterest and getting great ideas from local bloggers
like the little things blog and cards by katie on facebook
No vacation plan, but hoping to go to COSI and the Zoo.
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follow the little things mama on pinterest
We're headed to our favorite vacation spot soon..we had to rent a car though b/c ours most likely would not make it! Saving on the gas would be super helpful!!
follow the little things mama on pinterest
I like the little things mama on FB.
we cut corners by utilizing our local library and hitting up all the free events..farmers markets etc.. around town!
Shared on facebook
Going to Pigeon Forge and the gift card would come in handy for gas or snacks for the trip.
I am cutting corners this summer by using coupons.
I'm hoping to take a small road trip this summer just to see some random sites. This card would help on gas and snacks for the road.
I can't wait to get the beach and its a loooong drive. Any help with gas would be great!
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This summer, I'm trying to cook at home more to cut a few corners.
So excited about summer vacation!
Coupon Clipper :)
I don't have any exciting summer plans. I have mediocre to boring summer plans.
I am babysitting plus have 3 kiddos of my own, so a Kroger giftcard would come in handy for lunch and snack times.
We hope to go to Hocking Hills State Park in August. The gas card would help a lot with the trip. Thanks for the chance to win.
We are cutting corners this year by planting a larger veggie garden.
I am planning to go camping this summer, and Kroger fuel saving will help me save money getting there!
I tweeted https://twitter.com/FloydSara/status/348252085713768448
I am cutting corners this summer by doing a lot of my shopping for clothes for my daughter at garage sales.
I follow you on pinterest (lionssara)
We are headed to Myrtle Beach with 13 other family members in vans, so the gift card would be great!
I shared this on FB
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We are saving a few bucks this summer by limiting activities and camps. We are hanging by the pool most of the summer!
I like your blog and Cards by Katie!
By winning the $100 Kroger Card, I would be able to use the gas money saved to purchase fuel for the ski boat, allowing us to go tubing and water skiing with friends! We're headed to Michigan soon and this card would be a great ease on the budget noose!
I am planning on traveling to visit family this summer. A Kroger gift card would help make this possible.
I cut corners by searching ALL the FREE activities available for children.
Great giveaway! Thank you!! We are heading to Gatlinburg, TN for a family vacation and the Kroger gift card would be amazing for us to save on gas and goodies for the car ride down! With 4 kiddos I am always up for saving money and getting the best deal! :)
Shared on Facebook!!
I would love to take a little trip some where close this summer to get the kids out of town...and do something fun and this surly would come in handy....and then help out with food expenses also thanks....
https://twitter.com/amytolley1/status/348414833726726144 shared on twitter thanks
We are corners this Summer by eating out less and hitting up lots of Farmers Markets for local, in season produce! We also like to hit the park and splash park for a fun and inexpensive way to beat the heat!
gas prices and only one income this year....thanks...
Liked both pages on Facebook!!
Following on Pinterest! :)
followed you and cards by katie on facebook under amy tolley
followed you on pinterest heres my link http://pinterest.com/amytolley/boards/
Camping at longs retreat! Can't wait!
I cut corners evety summer by growing my own garden...
I made it halfway to my beach vacation before my transmission blew up. We never made it and don't have money to make another attempt. A gift card would go a long way to helping us get around town for little day adventures. It would also help a lot since my two kids just keep eating more and more every week!
I cut corners by getting veggies from my friend and in-law. They both have gardens and are producing more than they can eat -- free food for us!
Excited that my daughter just got married! That is the biggest event of the summer for me.
I tweeted about his giveaway.
Shared on twitter. (I'm couponkathy there)
I'm cutting corners by shopping sales and with coupons, keeping my thermostat set up a little higher, combining trips to save fuel, deciding what are needs vs wants and making choices...
I would use the gift card to go to Kings Island and Coney Island.
I follow you on Pinterest.
We plan on driving to Pigeon Forge! A $100 to Kroger would pay for all the gas we need for this weekend trip!
I cut corners by using coupons, doing a lot of free events with my family and winning contests.
I try to save $ through couponing but haven't yet learned the art! A gift card would be a great help to us as we also travel to TN next month!
I already follow you on and Cards by Kate on FB.
Liked the pg on fb! Thanks for the chance!
Might be taking a short road trip out of town to see a few bands we love. With money being do tight, we might camp overnight at our destination, and a Kroger gift card would be perfect for picking up our food and supplies for the trip!
$100 Kroger gift card would be awesome for summer cookouts!
Against the Grain Scholars is going to be working with the SPCA, Down Syndrome Association of Greater Cincinnati, Keep Cincinnati Beautiful, and a local nursing home this summer. It would be a true blessing if we could alleviate some of our transportation costs!
We cut corners (save) by packing lunches and snacks on our afternoon adventures instead of eating out. Much healthier, too! :)
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Following you on FB.
I'll be traveling to Minnesota for the wedding of my college roommate in August and the $100 would be a huge help in the fuel costs for that trip!
We are traveling to Columbus and Illinois this summer, as well as camping and picnics thrown in. The gift card could help us fill up our gas tank and pack a cooler for one of our trips!
To cut corners this summer, we tend to only run our air conditioner at night. I just cannot sleep if I am hot!
We're headed to Myrtle Beach this summer for vacation! First vacation in several years for us. This gift card would come in handy to pay for the gas to get down there:)
Like you on FB:)
To cut corners, we're doing a lot of local, free activities to keep the kids busy, happy and save money:)
We can always use $100 at Kroger to fund grill outs, packed lunches, diapers... Jurist to name a few.
We are going to Chicago for a family reunion so this will help make the trip more affordable. Thanks Kroger!
We're trying to cut back on buying coffee and lunches out.
Already a fan of "The Little Things" and "Cards by Katie."
I follow you on Pinterest.
I am going to drive to San Francisco this summer. I can save money on gas by collecting fuel points at Kroger when I shop there
I am cutting corners this summer by using coupons and shopping on sales
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I like both of your Facebook pages as Elena Istomina
We are driving up to New York (pulling our camper) next month. Not looking forward to the amount of gas we will use pulling it, but we will have a blast up there. We are going into Canada also so having a Kroger gift card will help with the gas and some snacks to keep our 4 year old occupied.
I shared the contest on my facebook page, but for some reason I couldnt tag the blog.
One way we are cutting corners this summer is combing trips that we can
I am a fan of the little things on facebook but did not know you have a cards by katie. i will check that out and like it
I follow you on pinterest and love some of the things you post
I'm already a fan of "The Little Things" and "Cards by Katie." (But, of course!)
We're celebrating our 15th anniversary next month and we're expanding our patio. Already plan to check out patio furniture at our local Kroger Marketplace so a gift card would help a lot!
Shared on Facebook
Already follow on Pinterest too. :)
Kroger gift card will allow me to do SOMETHING this summer! There are so many things to do and see in Cincinnati and OH, I'd love to just stay here and enjoy!
We are planning a trip to Gatlinburg and this would help with snacks and gas! Thanks for the chance. begesw@yahoo.com
We are eating out less and using coupons as much as possible. begesw@yahoo.com
Follow the little things on Facebook. begesw@yahoo.com
Follow on ppinterest http://pinterest.com/begesw/ begesw@yahoo.com
We are vacationing in Florida soon and will definitely by using lots of gas!
I shared on fb!
I like both your pages on fb.
We joined a CSA this summer but have opted to work the hours instead of pay for veggies. Great learning experience for me and the kids, and saves us money!
We want go the beach, kings Island and Coney since we cant afford vacay this year! $100 Kroger gift card help with gas and packing our lunches!
Cutting corners by only shopping with coupons, or really good sale! Will also be eating a lot of pb&J, tuna, etc...
checked ya out on fb!
following you on Pinterest!
I want take the fam to KI,Coney and The Beach! Gift card would help get us the with gas!
Cutting corners with only doing FREE stuff. Parks, using passes to zoo and YMCA and Museum. Then doing Community events. No vacation :( ....
Checked ya on FB
my children and I are hoping to visit a few different places within a few hours of Northern Kentucky including the Louisville Science Museum and Cosi. A Kroger card is just what we need to help with gas for the trips.
I am a fan.
We would use the gift card to buy gas to go visit my mom who has Alzheimer's.
Just tweeted @juliepile
Just shared on FB.
We are cutting corners by attending free family events in the area, using coupons, selling unneeded items and re purposing items. I wanted color flowerpots this year and instead of buying new, I just bought paint and painted them. Going to do the same with the patio furniture.
Just followed on Pinterest. Looks like some great ideas there!
I am taking my Grand daughters to Gatlinburg. This Kroger card would really help out!!!! Billie Fetz merlin37111333@cs.com
My family and I are taking a road trip to South Carolina, so it would be nice to be able to get some snacks for our trip :)
I'm cutting corners by using coupons.
I liked your page on facebook.
I would love to win. We travel down to Lake Cumberland a lot and this would be a HUGE help!
No specific plans yet, but we would like to get away to the beach for a weekend. A Kroger gift card would come in handy to get drinks and snacks for the trip.
I follow you on Pinterest.
We're cutting costs this summer by visiting the library once a week, and enjoying our backyard pool.
We're hoping to visit a beach in Michigan for the first time, so this would definitely help us get there!
I am going to get my lawn and flower beds looking nice!
We're going on a road trip and want to bring some of our own food to save money!
We are driving to Outerbanks in July and the Kroger feul points will help save money on gas!
Also following you on Pinterest!
Shared the contest on Facebook.
I follow you on Pinterest!
Kroger is my go to place for fueling my car as well as my kids, and while we don't have BIG plans for a summer road trip we are planning tons more little side trips to local fun spots and those fuel points (and that gift card!) sure would help!
I am a Facebook fan as well as a Cards by Katie fan and I shared your etsy store on my blog page!
I am having baby #3 and it's a girl, I have 2 boys at home so I am really excited to meet my little girl and spend time with my new family addition and make new memories with her! And this gift card would help by allowing us to stay home and grill out as a family in our backyard and have people over to hang with.
I am a fan of the little things blog on FB and I checked out your other FB page Cards by Katie!
I follow you on Pinterest!
We're driving to North Carolina and having a family BBQ. That gift card would help a ton for both!
Follow you on FB.
We're cutting corners by making use of the memberships we already have (the pool, zoo, etc.) instead of paying to do other things. We're trying to find as many free family things to do as possible!
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