I told you in this post that the Nuclear Cowboyz are coming back to town this month, and I even gave away tickets already, but thanks to Feld Entertainment I have TWO MORE family four packs of tickets to give away to two lucky readers!
The show will be in town on Saturday, January 19th (7:30) and Sunday, January 20th (2pm) at USBank Arena in Cincinnati. Please only enter this giveaway if you can make it to one of these show times. If you would rather buy your own tickets there's a discount in this post (along with w cool video).
The Details :: Two winners will be drawn using Random.org on Wednesday, January 9th at 2pm. This contest is open to those over the age of 18. Please note that there is one mandatory entry - with just your name and email addy. And then be sure to leave your name in each comment entry. Any anonymous entries will be disqualified. The winner will be announced here on the blog and on the little things blog Facebook page, and I will attempt to reach you via email. The winner has 24 hours to respond or another name will be drawn.
How to Enter ::
[1] MANDATORY ENTRY :: Leave one comment with JUST your name & email address (can just be your first name, or even a pseudonym...just something that I can identify you with! Then leave your name with all of your other comments!)
[2] Leave a comment telling me why you want to win this contest (and your name!)
[4] Be my groupie. I have no shame in asking you to like my blog on Facebook, follow me on Twitter, follow along on Pinterest and add me to your reader…the more the merrier! And then leave a comment telling me how you are following along (and your name!).
[5] Be a Nuclear Cowboyz fan. Follow them on Twitter and Like them on Facebook. Then leave a comment telling me you did so (and your name!)
Best of Luck!
And here's a few more giveaways for Nuclear Cowboyz Tickets:
Family Friendly Cincinnati
Little World Afterall
In a Galaxy Far Away Blog
I'm Living the Good Life

Disclosure: I am a Feld Family Ambassador, and in exchange for my time and efforts in attending shows and reporting my opinion within this blog, as well as keeping you advised of the latest discount offers, Feld Entertainment has provided me with complimentary tickets to Feld shows and opportunities to attend private Feld pre-Show events.
Joan - joanthamannATyahoo.com
I have two boys who would LOVE this show!
I followyou on FB
Samantha Wagner
My son loves this stuff and we didn't get the chance to go last year
I follow on fb
i like nuclear cowboys on fb
I follow on pinterest
want win for my son!
Take my grandkids!
spreaded word by email
my grandchildren would love to see this show, expecially the boys.
Shelly L
cambreley at insightbb dot com
Shelly L
Want to win for my boys. They would love this.
cambreley at insightbb dot com
Already like your FB page
cambreley at insightbb dot com
Already like Nuclear Cowboyz on FB
cambreley at insightbb dot com
I don't want my email public....I will follow the blog to see if I am lucky enough to win. I hope that you understand and that this is OK :) :)
I would love to win to be able to take my family to see the show....they would enjoy going!
I have liked you on FB
I have liked Nuclear Cowboyz on FB
My little guy would love this show!
You know I follow your blog!
thanks for the chance!
lauren51990 at aol dot com
i'd love to go to this b/c I think my family would love it and we've never been
lauren51990 at aol dot com
Maureen G
maureengregory2 AT gmail DOT com
I shared this on FB
Maureen G
I follow your blog
Maureen G
I liked Nuclear Cowboyz on FB
Maureen g
I would like to win because my kids have not seen a show like this before.
Maureen G
I want to win for my kids, they would love it
Amy Barber
@LittleThingsMom shared on facebook
I follow you everywhere....I'm like a stalker lol
amy barber
who dont love cowboyz...follow Nuclear Cowboyz of facebook
amy barber
My son would LOVE to go to this!
I am a fan of your blog on Facebook.
I follow you on Pinterest.
Leah Kelley
I want to win because my son is obsessed with bikes!
Leah Kelley
I am following on Facebook
Leah Kelley
I shared the contest on FB.
Leah Kelley
I like Nuclear Cowboys on FB
Leah Kelley
sarah s.
sarah s.
I want to win b/c I went last year and this show is awesome!
I like Nuclear Cowboyz on FB
I like you on FB
Jamie Back
Jamie Back
I have 4 boys. Ages 9 to 12. It is really expensive for a family of 6 to do anything. We wanted to go last year and didn't have the extra cash. Would love to take them.
I shared on facebook
Jamie Back
I follow you on facebook and pintrist
Jamie Back
I follow nuclear cowboys on facebook
Jamie Back
Steve Twehues
My boys would love to go. I am a step dad to 3 and a father to 1. I struggle to find things they all love, and this is deff on there level. I work full time, but extras like this is really hard.
Steve Twehues
I shared on facebook
Steve Twehues
I follow Neculear Cowboys on facebook
Steve Twehues
Christian Back
I would love to take my mom, step dad and 3 brothers.!!
Christian Back
I follow N C on facebook
Christian Back
I like your blog on facebook
Christian Back
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